Field Trip


A day on Division with Sarah

I would camp out on Division Street for the day. For probably a year or two, it’s been an eating destination. I’d start with Little T Baker for breakfast. 

This Division Street shop just down the street from ice cream shop Salt & Straw offers "open clay" nights, classes, and events for the wannabe ceramicist.

This Division Street shop just down the street from ice cream shop Salt & Straw offers "open clay" nights, classes, and events for the wannabe ceramicist.

Then there are some cute shops on that street. One is called Field Trip. And there’s another one called Carter and Rose. They have art classes there, and open clay nights where you can just make stuff. It’s like...if paint-your-own-pottery was cool. 

Then, Roman Candle for lunch. Pok Pok is there, but it’s super crowded, so I’d go to Whiskey Soda Lounge and get the wings. The wings are the thing that everyone talks about.

Salt & Straw is right by there. They have all kinds of weird savory flavors—like for Thanksgiving, they have salted caramel with turkey.

So basically I would just eat all day and take a break to do crafty things.